1-day (& night) Healing Retreat in Okinawa, Japan

1-day (& night) Healing Retreat in Okinawa, Japan
After welcoming my most recent clients, a lovely couple from Seattle, Washington (who took this photo of a rainbow right after their couples' session as we all stood quietly looking at it together), I felt inspired to share more about this in-person offering for those interested in visiting Okinawa for healing.
First, here is a little background on how this offering came to be (it's been more than two decades in the making!)
After my first spiritual awakening at the age of 21, I began to consciously travel to places that called to me, like a beckoning in the night. I understood that this would be my real worldly education, so I eagerly traveled across the U.S. and later around the world to meet new people, discover new places, and learn about the meaning of family, love, and humanity in ways my humble Georgia girl heart could never have imagined. Okinawa was always at the top of my list because it was where my mother was from. From when I was a child I longed to meet my family there.
I finally got my chance when I was 22, so about 20 years ago. I was set to travel to Tokyo for a study abroad program and through pure will was able to convince the program director to allow me to go to Okinawa first. I persuaded my mom to come with me, and my childhood wish came true.
My relatives had never stepped foot outside of Okinawa (my mom was the first and last). They seemed to move gracefully, like water, to a rhythm filled with deep mysteries unknown to me. Outwardly, they were shy, but when they spoke, their words radiated warmth and fire, much like the sun. Even though I couldn't understand what they were saying, their voices made my heart beat like a drum, its tempo quickening with each word. It was like simply being around them lit up my dna, and a long-buried knowing was awakening within me for the first time in my life.
Their skin was unlike mine—dark and strong like the earth—and their eyes were deep and sparkled with the voices of our ancestors and the wind. I watched my mom speak to her people and noticed how she felt no shame here; she was understood at last. I could see her body relaxing in the sunlight, her heart opening to the warmth of this place, welcoming her home. It was as though I was meeting someone new, not the mother I knew but a woman from a strange, beautiful, and secret place— a myth of a place like Shangri-La, hidden from the world.
What many people perceive as 'Okinawa' is just a series of markings on a map, which looks small especially as its surrounded by the vastness of the South Pacific Ocean and East China Sea. But Okinawa is actually much bigger than what the naked eye can see. Beneath the surface or, rather, beyond the surfaces of things, an eternal space untouched by linear time, is what is called the Ryukyu Kingdom. Not the historic Ryukyu Kingdom, but the essence of it which spans across time and space. Connecting with it is like touching or tuning into another dimension teeming with nature spirits, multitudes of mythical creatures like dragons and lion-dogs, playful elvin folk, singing flowers, dancing trees, and water that talks and teaches. It's a vibrant alive realm still nurtured by loyal stewards of the land.
Everyone who comes to Okinawa connects with this magical imaginative realm through their body and heart. Even though I couldn't fully grasp it during my first couple of trips here, I could somehow recognize Okinawa as a haven of peace in the world, perhaps even for the world. The Ryukyu Kingdom is the source for Okinawans to connect with their ancient primal power and ancestors. It's a culture deeply rooted in ancestor worship. As the highest offering to one's ancestors, people work very hard to keep their minds focused on kindheartedness. It's the Okinawan way and is powerfully life-affirming.
When I began to practice Reiki in New York City, I started to recall this connection I had with my heritage even though it had become by that time a vague memory of a dream. When I began teaching Reiki the stirrings of ancestral wisdom truly began to reawaken within me. When we commit more to our personal Reiki practice, it's like we're committing more to our own lives. Reiki responds by swiftly guiding us toward our destiny and potential. As I continued to teach the stirrings continued to grow more pronounced, until finally, I moved to Okinawa.
Soon after my arrival, I started receiving requests for sessions from people interested in working with me in Okinawa. My curiosity about knowing more about the Ryukyu Kingdom and connecting with my ancestors compelled me to scour the entire main island and Okinawa's smaller isles in search of the perfect place to offer these sessions. I recalled how it was to travel to distant places in search of new spiritual insight and understanding. So with all of these personal experiences in mind, I began to craft in my mind an offering of exceptional scope. I wanted to welcome clients into the realm of the Ryukyu Kingdom. I knew I had to earn this right so I began my search and rented various houses and stayed in hotels, to understand what would be possible here. It was a search that took years. My search was less about finding the right physical location as I knew that would reveal itself in due time, but more about returning to the land itself, exploring new places, paying homage to every nature altar, or utaki, that I was guided to. It took time to earn the right to be invited to certain places so I remained patient and concentrated on becoming yasashii kokoro, or living, thinking, and speaking with a kind heart, which is the essence of the Okinawan soul. I continued to listen attentively, corrected myself constantly, and patiently waited for the land to reveal the right place to me when I was ready.

After about three years, I was at last guided to a small inn in a village in the heart of the main island, saturated with nature spirits and energy vortexes or portals to different mystical dimensions. Even though I was guided there it was still up to me to create a good rapport with the owners as it would be a collaboration of caring for each client. And if I wanted to invite people from around the world to stay in their only Japanese-speaking household I also had to ensure each client would be a good fit for them as well. I felt Reiki challenging me in a big way. It was a promising first meeting, so I remained hopeful and continued to cultivate my connection to the land and kept improving my Japanese!
I understood that the people who would come would be coming to Okinawa for the first time. This meant I had to become a kind of cultural ambassador to welcome clients and help them feel at home here. It helped me to feel more at home myself and feel confident about seeing my vision through.

The energy surrounding the inn was perfect for me to work, and the interior was lovely as well. The owners' love for Okinawa is felt in every corner. There are also delicious food options within walking distance, and each room upstairs offers a gorgeous view of the ocean so I could trust every need would be met.
This retreat experience represents the pinnacle of my healing offerings as if all my work, even before I became a professional healer, has led me to provide such a meaningful opportunity. Like the Ryukyu Kingdom—present yet invisible—holding a space for healing here requires tremendous energy, focus, and leadership. It’s a collaborative effort involving the inn owners, land, the nature spirits, my ancestors and spiritual team, and myself all looking after and protecting each client. It's a lot but I wouldn't want to offer my clients who travel all the way to see me here anything less than extraordinary. Though I need plenty of rest afterward, it’s an honor and a huge accomplishment (again I remain a humble girl from Georgia) to create an unforgettable experience of healing, beauty, and love for each person in Okinawa.

The cost of the retreat includes a 5-hour in-person healing ceremony, one night's stay at the inn, and tea or coffee service in the morning. Also, I send Reiki throughout the clients' stay in Okinawa, before and after our time together. Arrangements can be made for couples and small groups, as well as additional nights' stay. To help guests unplug, there's intentionally no Wi-Fi or TV at the inn (there is a health food café with free Wi-Fi and healthy snacks just a 2-minute walk away, and guests are welcome to bring their own Wi-Fi router if needed).
Everything has been intentionally chosen and offered to support each person's ultimate well-being, with the added hope that warm and unforgettable memories of Okinawa will be had. :)
Thank you for reading about this in-person retreat experience in Okinawa! I understand it may not be suited for everyone but if interested kindly fill out the contact form on my homepage for availability. So much heartful energy goes into every preparation detail so serious inquiries only, please!

Much Love and infinite blessings to your journey <3
Recent reviews ~
"Reiki with Olivea
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to articulate my gratitude to you. I have never met someone who is so connected to her spirit guides, the universe and ultimately herself. Her ability to hold space for me, and heal things that I didn’t even know I needed healing from was astounding. It wasn’t until the days after, that I could truly have the self reflective period to realize how light I finally felt. As if I was breathing for the first time after years. She went at my pace, and heard everything i had to say with no judgement. She has the kind of soul that is truly pure magic. She makes you feel safe, while holding your hand to a better reality. I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to go to Okinawa and have her help me. I feel like it has resulted in a massive shift for me to go where I need to go in my life."
"I met Olivea back in 2016 when we were both living in New York City. At that time, I began my personal awakening journey. I was desperately searching for answers about what was happening to me, and that journey led me to Olivea. Olivea is an incredibly gentle, loving, and caring soul.
Seven years later, Olivea and I met again in Okinawa. Okinawa is one of the five blue zones in the world. My boyfriend and I wanted to visit Okinawa to learn about its culture and people. I didn’t know Olivea was in Okinawa at that time. Before our trip, I received a newsletter update from Olivea. To be honest, I normally don't read them. But I read that newsletter. It was almost as if a higher force was guiding me to meet Olivea. Everything unfolded according to its own timing.
My boyfriend and I had an in-person Mystic Medicine Healing Ceremony with Olivea. We stayed at this lovely and peaceful inn called Muchos Vientos. Olivea took great care of us and guided each of us to release and heal what we were ready to let go of. Our in-person reiki healing ceremony was filled with love and acceptance. Olivea, in her gentlest and most loving way, made me realize certain key elements that were critically missing in my life in the US. She didn’t give me a to-do list of XYZ. I gained those insights by simply observing and interacting with her.
That evening, I found tears rolling down my cheek. Normally, I would hide and brush aside those feelings. I decided to share it with my boyfriend. I told my boyfriend that I felt sad, but I didn’t know what I was sad about. My conscious mind didn’t understand what was going on, but my heart remained open to feel the emotions that emerged. When we bid farewell to Olivea that evening, we saw a beautiful rainbow over the sea. It was mystic and beautiful.
It has been two weeks since I had the Mystic Medicine Healing Ceremony with Olivea. I am back in the US. Internally, I am continuing to process and heal a myriad of suppressed memories and emotions that are being released.
Olivea and Okinawa taught me what I needed to learn and incorporate into my life in the US to live more aligned with my being. I became more aware of my life; I can’t list out everything here because the list is too long, but I want to share some of them.
- I find myself cooking, eating, and enjoying mostly vegetable dishes effortlessly.
- I find myself having more patience in getting things done one thing at a time instead of rushing to get five things done at the same time. As a result, I can concentrate better and complete my tasks instead of leaving them open-ended.
- I notice myself more when I am not fully present in doing something.
- Everything in nature has an inherent healing energy. If we can understand that and treat what we have gently and with gratitude, we can tap into that innate healing energy effortlessly.
- All food either heals us or damages us.
- Being present means putting your thoughts, care, and love into what you are doing. When you really put care and love into whatever you do, others can feel that, and it's very healing."
Il est difficile d'expliquer avec des mots normaux à quel point Olivea est extraordinaire, car mon expérience a été ineffable.
Je l'ai contactée à la dernière minute pour organiser une retraitre à Okinawa alors qu'elle ne savait rien de moi. Après avoir eu un bref appel de validation avec Olivea en moins de 48 heures, j'étais assis avec elle pour commencer mes premières séances organisées dans la maison de la chaleureuse Mitsuyo.
Son engouement à m'aider était sans failles et Olivea a dépassé toutes mes attentes possibles. Sa compréhension de la condition humaines est si profonde et son dévouement envers son client est bien au-dessus de tout ce que j'ai vu dans ma vie professionnelle ou personnelle. Je dirige une entreprise multinationale et je suis diplômé des meilleures universités de l'Ivy League aux États-Unis et en Europe, avec une solide formation scientifique et rigoureuse, mais ce qu'Olivea a fait résonner dans mon âme et mon corps est tout simplement hors de ce monde, si loin des valeurs de mon noyau traditionnel.
Sa pratique de l'utilisation simultanée du Reiki, de la guérison chamanique et intuitive m'a fait vivre des émotions que je ne pouvais même pas croire possibles. Son âme est pure d'amour inconditionnel, c'est une personne extrêmement sensible à plusieurs niveaux et saura trouver au plus profond de vous un moyen d'élever votre âme ou de soulager vos douleurs.
Si vous êtes honnête dans votre recherche d'amélioration de votre vie, avoir la chance de rencontrer Olivea la changera pour toujours. Elle peut être une déesse, une guérisseuse divine ou une princesse chamanique, mais pour moi, elle sera toujours ma charmante fée pour l'éternité et au-delà .
It is difficult to explain in normal words how extraordinary Olivea is as my experience was ineffable.
I contacted her last minute to organize a schedule in Okinawa while she knew nothing about me. After having a brief screening call with Olivea within less than 48hours I was sitting with her starting my first sessions hosted in the house of heartful Mitsuyo.
Her eagerness to assist me was limitless and she went far beyond any expectations possible to reach me. Her understanding about the human condition is so deep, and her dedication to her customer is far above anything I have seen in my professional or personal life. I run a multinational company and graduated from the top Ivy League universities in the US and Europe, having a strong scientific and rigorous education background, but what Olivea made resonate within my soul and body is just out of this world so far away from my traditional core values.
Her practice of simultaneous use of Reiki, shamanic and intuitive healing made me go through emotions that I could not even believe were possible. Her soul is pure with unconditional love, she is an extremely sensitive person at multiple levels and will find in your deep inner self a way to elevate your soul or ease your pains.
If you are honest with your search of improving your life having the chance to meet Olivea will change it forever. She may be a goddess, a divine healer or a shamanic princess but for me she will always be a sweet lovely fairy for eternity and beyond.