Reinvigorate Your Reiki Practice In The New Year With a 3-Day Reiki Refresher Workshop
Welcome to our 3- Reiki Refresher Workshop, January 25th - 27th, 2025! I'm excited to invite you on a transformative journey of healing...

Mending the Heart: The Art of Kintsugi and Reiki Healing
Mending the Heart: The Art of Kintsugi and Reiki Healing Of the many Japanese words that have caught my eye while living in Japan, and...

Following Rainbows and Finding Peace
Last month, I traveled to a small village in Okinawa, where I met with a new client who flew in for an in-person healing retreat and...

Learning about the Spirit of Tanabata in Okinawa and How to be Ready to Receive our Innermost Wishes Fulfilled (a Photo Essay)
As I continue to prepare for our Tanabata-inspired Reiki tea ceremony next month on July 7th, I thought about how I often have trouble...

Embracing the Magic of Tanabata with Reiki, Ritual, and Dream Visioning
Reiki weaves a luminescent thread through our dreams, reminding us that love, fulfillment, and faith are guiding us.

A Day for Dreaming and Healing: My Visit to a Quan Yin Temple
After multiple hours of Reiki self-treatment this morning I remembered my acupuncture appointment, and woke up as if from a dream. In...

Promises of Spring and Water
Promises of spring and water On the night of the spring equinox, which was also my birthday, I was sitting on a tatami mat floor in the...

Becoming the Reiki Kid
Recently I had the good forutne to be featured in an article for Dharte.com, a wellness and lifestyle website, on my healing offerings...

1-day (& night) Healing Retreat in Okinawa, Japan
1-day (& night) Healing Retreat in Okinawa, Japan After welcoming my most recent clients, a lovely couple from Seattle, Washington (who...

The Japanese Art of Apology and Healing Through Gratitude
Among the many dazzling customs I've been immersing myself in here in Japan, the constant use of the words for "I'm sorry" and "thank...